Do you recognize this house? Probably not. It could be anybody's. But in this case, not just anybody's. This is the home of Amy Grant and Vince Gill.
Why am I posting this? Let me explain.

Chris Fekete, owner of Think Happy Stuff , was one of our vendor neighbors at the Dallas Market Center last year and we became fast friends. She was so taken by our story and loved our bags so much that she suggested she try and bring one to some people in Nashville who may be interested. And, since we are always interested in promoting our Laga bags wherever possible, of course we gave her one.
Well, what she told us next was that one of the main investors in her company is Amy Grant! "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" I gasped. "Wouldn't it be great if she really liked our Laga bag?"
Well, after becoming Facebook friends with Chris and chatting every now and again, I received an email from her saying that she had indeed given our bag to Amy. So guess what? SHE LOVED IT! And get this: she wanted to meet us! "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" I gasped again. "Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make that happen?"
Well, needless to say, we started brainstorming as to how we COULD make that happen. Our next show was to be in Houston, Texas and, after making sure the timing would work out, we made arrangements to fly over to Nashville right after.
Thanks to Chris' intervention, we were so graciously invited by her friends Chip & Jen Nietfeld to come and stay in the guest room over their garage in Franklin for our first-ever trip to Tennessee... "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" I gasped for a third time. We were so excited to have another opportunity to see Chris, to actually meet her family (that is a whole other story I'll have to share with you another time!), friends and hometown which we had heard so much about.

We had an amazing time in Franklin. If you ever get the chance to visit, we highly recommend it! What a beautiful, quaint little town! We met Chris' family and friends. Roy was invited to play his guitar at Kimbro's Pickin' Parlor with Chip and their other musician friends... "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" They had a blast!

The following day, Chris drove us out to Nashville to meet with Amy Grant at her home (now, that should explain the reason I posted the first picture).
Amy met us at the door and welcomed us with a big hug. She offered us something to drink and then went into the kitchen to make us a cup of coffee. As we were waiting, Vince Gill came into the room... "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" He couldn't stay long because they had just finished building a recording studio in their home and he was doing their first recording there and he had a bunch of people waiting for him. But he did stay long enough for me to take a picture of he and Amy together.

We are so blessed for the opportunity to share our Laga story with Amy. She was so impressed with what we were doing for the people of Aceh. She asked a lot of questions, made a few great suggestions for us and asked how she could help. "What? Seriously? That is so cool!" Now it's just up to us to figure out what she can help us that would have the most impact!

"What? Seriously? That is so cool!"
Thanks, Chris! You are the best! And we encourage you all to check out Chris' website: www.thinkhappystuff.com. She has some really amazing products that will make your day!
Oh, and we'll make sure to let you know what comes of this great opportunity with Amy...
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